We ARIOM will arrange for the products to be shipped to the address requested by the customer. Therefore, so that there are no obstacles to the delivery of your order, we ask that you be careful when filling in the address at which you wish to receive your order.
Please make sure there will be someone at the address to receive your products. The delivery services make a few attempts to deliver the products, if there is no one at the address to receive the order in any of the attempts, the package will be taken back to the delivery service closest to the address, and in this case, it will be necessary to The recipient of the package collects it from the delivery agency within 7 calendar days. If the recipient of the order does not collect it, as per agency rules, the package will be returned to the sender, requiring the payment of a new shipping fee to return the product.
All details related to delivery attempts, as well as the address of the delivery agency where the recipient must pick up their package in case of absence at the address, are recorded in the order tracking, which can be tracked on the website, using the delivery code. tracking provided by the store.